November 12, 2020
How to Disinfect Your Home or Room From the Coronavirus

Is your home infected?

The COVID-19 pandemic has spread ferociously worldwide, and Singapore has not been spared.

Your home may be a safe haven, but if you and your family members have been going outside, you will inadvertently bring in germs.

You can either disinfect your home (or room) yourself, or you can hire a professional offering disinfection service in Singapore.

Regardless, having a little more knowledge about disinfecting your home is never a bad idea.


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is intended for general informational purposes only and isn’t intended to provide any specific advice and isn’t to be relied upon for the prevention or elimination of COVID-19. You are advised to seek the help of professionals if you suspect your premises to be infected.


General cleaning is not disinfecting

You must distinguish between cleaning and disinfecting as most of us think that cleaning with soap and water is enough. The basic purpose of the cleaning process is to remove containments from any surface. Disinfecting is the process of removing germs – bacteria and viruses – from the surfaces. Deep cleansing of the surface with chemicals may also be required.


How to clean and disinfect your home or room

If you think that some infected person might have visited your home, you can hire a disinfection service specialist like Greencare to sanitise your premises.

Doing it yourself may not get you the desired results. Cleaning each and every single item in your house is time-consuming. Nevertheless, here are some tips or steps you need to take to effectively clean and disinfect your home.


1. Get an effective disinfectant

Not all disinfectants are effective against the coronavirus. Either use a bleach solution or check the NEA website for a list of active ingredients that are suitable for disinfecting the COVID-19 virus.


2. Wear protective gear

Wear a surgical face mask and disposable gloves. If the home or room is confirmed to be infected by a COVID-19 patient, wear full personal protective equipment (PPE), including a face shield, goggles, N95 or higher respirator, and isolation gown.


3. Keep windows open

Keeping the windows open will promote better ventilation, and reduce the chances of any infection – if some surfaces happen to be contaminated.


4. Clean surfaces with disinfectant

Mop the floor using soap water mixed with the disinfectant (make sure the concentration is kept above the minimum level). Disinfect doorknobs, latches, switches, mobiles, phones, remotes, and all other items of daily use.

Use disposable rags for cleaning and throw them away after cleaning.

Note: Do not use spray packs as it may lead to splashes which can further propagate the virus.


5. Wash fabrics with detergent

Use a washing machine and detergent to wash all fabrics in your home or room, such as sofa covers, curtains, bedsheets, pillow covers, and blankets. If you find signs of bed bug infestation in the fabrics, you might want to implement bed bug control too.


6. Finish up properly

Before you end, mop the floor again. Avoid going from uncleaned to clean rooms, to prevent re-infection.

Throw all used cloths into a double-lined trash bag, before removing your PPE. Immediately wash your hands with soap and water. Take a shower and change your clothes.


7. Keep your place from becoming infected again

If you want to buy groceries, use the contact-free delivery services. Always clean and sanitize that you are bringing from outside, from grocery to beverages. Never walk into your home with shoes on – leave your shoes outside. The soles of shoes are often highly contaminated with germs from outside.

Avoid hosting visitors in your home if possible. Some patients are asymptomatic. If unavoidable, stay at least 1 meter apart and disinfect your home again afterward.


8. Ensure personal hygiene

While going out, follow all the SOPs and wear a mask and gloves. Avoid handshakes and unnecessary contact with things. Try to carry a hand sanitizer with you while going out.

The best practice that we all need to follow is to wash our hands more than often during these times. Washing your hands will not only keep you safe from the coronavirus but also minimize the risk of the spread into your home.


Final thoughts

It might be a chore to disinfect your home but it is necessary to prevent the spread of the virus within your family. If these steps seem too overwhelming, you can ask for help from experts on disinfection service and pest control in Singapore.

For a full set of disinfection guidelines, see the environmental cleaning guidelines issued by NEA.

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