Some of Our Clients in the Marine Industry
Greencare is an MPA approved pest control company.

We’re one of a select few approved by the Maritime Port Authority for providing fumigation and vector control services onboard vessels in Singapore.

Are you are a vessel or ship operator looking for pest control or disinfection?

Pests can be more than just a nuisance onboard vessels. When pests get out of control, they can be harmful to the well-being of your passengers and crew.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also made disinfection or sanitisation of vessels a key priority for ship owners and operators.

Whether your ship is anchored in Singapore, or simply transiting, Greencare’s dedicated vessel pest control team can help you flush out pests and disinfect your vessel.

Why Vessel Pest Control

The COVID 19 pandemic has shown us how essential it is to disinfect ships or vessels regularly for the sake of public health.

From the incidences of coronavirus transmissions on board ships and the associated danger, we understand the problems infections can cause in enclosed spaces.

While it has always been crucial to safeguard the health of passengers and staff of vessels, it is more imperative now.

We have a specialized team for vessel pest control in Singapore, approved by the Maritime Port Authority (MPA). Greencare vessel pest control team will take care of your disinfection and pest control needs onboard your ship.

Understanding Pest Control Aboard Ships and Vessels

The inherent nature of ships provides pests an abode to thrive and also get transported from one country where they exist to another where they never existed.

When ships get infested, their enclosed nature supports the spread of pest-related illnesses and diseases.

Rodents can infect an entire ship by contaminating the food or water. Lice also transmit typhus, and mites cause scabies. These are only but a few of such possible infections that take place on a ship.

Owing to the contributions of mosquitoes, cockroaches, and rodents to the spread of international diseases, the Port Health Office often requests ship sanitation certificates.

The International Health Regulations (2005) and the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance have guidelines by which ships are certified free from diseases.

Every ship that goes on an international voyage needs to renew its sanitation certificates at six months’ interval. However, you can only qualify for this certificate if there are no pests on your ships.

If there are pests, you need to work with a pest control company like Greencare to rid your vessel of these pests before they spread.

How Do Pests Find Their Way Into Vessels?

Pests find their way into vessels through several means, and when they get in, they make their home in enclosed areas. Such areas include ducts, inaccessible ceilings, voids, and vaults.

  • Luggage entry: Pests like bedbugs could get on board a vessel inside a passenger or crew member’s luggage.
  • Open Spaces: Doors, portholes, ropes, and ramps assist pets in infiltrating a ship.
  • Livestock: Some animals move about with pests like lice and introduce them onto the sheep
  • Food supplies: Food supplies shipped without standard checks and practices might be pest-infested.
  • Birds: When birds land on a vessel in transit or at the port, they transmit pests.
  • Humans: Humans can carry several pests onto a vessel and infect others.

How Do Pests Spread Diseases On Vessels?


Cockroaches transmit diseases to your food from their droppings and body. These diseases include typhoid, dysentery, food poison, or gastroenteritis.

Roaches are resilient and breed swiftly. Hence, it is crucial to control roaches on vessels to prevent their unchecked and dangerous spread.

The use of insecticide and trappings are just some of the ways we do cockroach pest control. Removing their food sources and destroying their habitat might be necessary in case of infestation.


Mosquitoes transmit dengue fever, malaria, yellow fever, etc. from bites. They can spread these diseases to people on a ship and enter into communities when the ship reaches land. Similarly, with cockroaches, insecticides and trappings are measures to control mosquitoes.


Rodents like mice and rats spread diseases through bites, handling, urine, or scratches. Ticks, mites, or fleas that have come in contact with these rodents will also spread over 35 diseases gotten from these pests. Some rodents spread leptospirosis and hantavirus through their urine.

In cases of infestation, trapping the rodents, fumigating the ship, or using poisoning are some of the rodent control measures.


Myxomatosis, plagues, and tularaemia are some diseases that fleas transmit on ships and vessels. Flea control measures are necessary if an infestation is found.

How to Ensure Sanitation On Vessels

Ships can serve as a means of transporting disease and its agents on a national and international level, from one port to the next. To prevent such transmission and protect passengers, crew members, and communities, we must take proactive measures.

One of such measures is to ensure that the vessel crew undergoes training on ship sanitation. They should also have all materials and equipment needed to maintain a sanitary environment aboard the ship.

Every food, water, and other materials going aboard the vessel must be certified safe. Also, identification and swift handling of issues that pose a risk to public health must be top-notch.

Even in the construction of ships and vessels, the focus should be on creating and maintaining sanitation aboard.

Greencare provides disinfection and sanitisation services for vessels, to keep everyone safe from germs.

How We Control Pests on Vessels

When you discover pests aboard your vessel, it is crucial to act immediately and engage a pest control team. This team will carry out pest control practices and fumigate your vessel against pests.

Our team offers such services and provides excellent fumigation and pest control service.

We are Singapore’s leading pest control experts, and we base our work on the best and most advanced practices.

We offer fumigation service to all types of vessels, and our work is fast and efficient. We design appropriate control measures targeted at various pests and use the recommended pesticide for everyone.

Understanding Pest Control Aboard Ships and Vessels

Greencare’s Vessel Pest Control Services

Greencare is a professional pest control company in Singapore that is approved by the National Environment Agency (NEA). We are a leading company with a vessel pest control team also certified by NEA to carry out ULV misting and thermal fogging on vessels.

Our primary purpose is to help vessel operators sanitise their vessels and rid them of pests and bacteria. We use the most effective, healthy, and eco-friendly sanitation products that kill all bacteria and viruses on your ship.

Expert technicians use disinfectant products registered by EPA and recommended against COVID 19-causing viruses, other coronaviruses, and several pathogens.

Our experience working with many vessel owners and operators has gotten us many satisfied clients.

Based on our vast experience handling and servicing the needs of ships and vessels, we understand pest infestation. Vessel owners and operators are mandated by the Maritime Port Authority to eliminate pests, and we stand up to this call.

We can carry out fumigation and pest eradication services on your vessels in OPL transit, on anchorage on Singapore waters, or at our ports.

Our pest control technicians understand the uniqueness of every vessel and take cognizance of them. They begin by inspecting your vessel to take stock of your situation and the level of pest infestation.

After making findings and understanding the state of your vessel, our experts then draft the best pest control plan for you.

Our vast experience and understanding come to play in drawing an excellent pest control plan.

We have teams specialised in handling several pests, including termites, cockroaches, rodents, and termites.

Our basic pest control package covers rodents and crawling insect control.

After we identify all infected areas, vacation and sealing off takes place before fumigation. After vacating and sealing all openings to prevent our fumigant from escaping, we begin vessel fumigation.

Every step of our fumigation and pest control process is professional, handled by experts according to best practices.

Our previous works speak of our expertise, and our certifications show that we have undergone all the necessary training.

Vessel Pest Control for KWK Excelsus

Greencare's Points of Service
Our technicians are highly trained and guided by our 6 points of service. So that we deliver the same exceptional service every time.
We inspect your premises from top to bottom, inside and out, for current or potential pest problems.
We treat the perimeter of your premises with appropriate protective materials, remove all accessible insect nests, and use the safest methods available.
We do everything we can to keep insects and pests out – seal, caulk, plug, and secure gaps and cracks.
We treat the interior of your premises and install pest monitors in critical areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, utility rooms, gardens and garages.
We provide a detailed report of services rendered and recommendations to help keep your home free of pests. Samples: Dragages Singapore | ED Zublin
Follow Up
We stay in touch between our regularly scheduled visits and respond to any immediate needs.