March 15, 2021
5 Myths About Fly Control in Singapore

Flies can invade your home or business all of a sudden. These bacteria-carrying pests are creepy and annoying to have around. And keeping them away can be an exercise of futility at times. Yet fly control in your Singapore property is a must – and should be done safely and effectively.

Before you take the DIY course to get rid of those pesky flies, here’s the truth about those myths about fly control.

1. Some plants can repel flies.

Aromatic plants like basil and lavender are thought to repel insects. Plants have natural defence mechanisms to protect themselves from insects. Yet there’s no sufficient studies that can support the claim for their insect repellent properties. Pets and children could at risk for the side effects of having these plants around.

2. Hang a bag of water with a penny in the doorway.

It is believed that placing water inside a bag with a copper penny can create a prismatic effect on the fly’s vision. This dizzying sight keep the flies at bay. This is a misconception on fly control that you can easily find out for yourself. Just hang a bag of water with a penny and observe.

3. Anyone can spray chemicals to kill flies.

The presence of multitude of fly repellent products in the market encourage people to do fly extermination themselves.  It is true that anyone can do it but does not mean that it will be effective every time. Only an experienced pest control in Singapore like Greencare can know the effective methods to use for specific pests.

4. The more chemicals applied, the more effective they could be.

This is false because flies can become more resistant over time. Applying more than what is necessary will reduce the products effectiveness in killing flies. Hiring a professional fly exterminator with background in bed bug control and disinfection service in Singapore ensures that only the right amount is applied for optimum results.

5. Killing flies now is the same as before.

This is a myth. Pest control has evolved to be more environment and pet friendly. Greencare technicians are always up-to-date with the latest, safest yet effective pest control techniques to serve its clients’ unique needs.



Let professionals deal with fly control to ensure that flies stay away for long or for good. Reach out to us at +65 6920 8656 to inquire for pest control in Singapore prices!

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