March 29, 2021
What Are Silverfish And How To Get Rid Of Them

What are silverfish?

Silverfish are creepy-looking insects that like to make their homes in dark corners of your home. They are often mistaken for roaches because of their size and color, but silverfish have a few defining features that set them apart from other household pests.

Silverfish have six legs and resemble little white scorpions. They’re about three-quarters of an inch long and slimy. Silverfish are usually black with light spots and often have bright blue antennae.

These pests seek out dark, dry, cluttered places to live and feed on the contents of their environment. They thrive in areas with low humidity and poor air quality.


Are silverfish harmful?

Silverfish usually do not cause much damage to your home, but they can cause a great deal of misery when they come into contact with humans or pets. Though not usually harmful, they do have sharp teeth and can bite if they feel threatened.

However silverfish can sometimes cause damage to electrical devices. If you think that your home is infested with silverfish, you can try to reduce the infestation by sealing cracks around the baseboards and floor vents to help stop the silverfish from making their way in. They can also be repelled with ant traps or sprinkle peanut butter around the entryways of your home.


How to get rid of silverfish?

Getting rid of silverfish can be a pain since they are so hard to get rid of. One way to control silverfish populations would be to make sure your home is dry. Silverfish infestations are often traced back to excessive moisture, so a good first step is to make sure your home is well ventilated and allow cold air to circulate.

A popular DIY method seems to be using baking soda. They’re primarily attracted to the smell, so just sprinkle baking soda over all of their hiding spots and get them out of these places.

You can also engage Greencare’s silverfish control in Singapore.



Fortunately, silverfish are not usually harmful to humans. However they look frightening and it’s worth getting a pest control company to rid of them before an infestation develops. Enquire about our silverfish control services using the forms on this page.

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