September 12, 2021
How To Get Rid Of Stinging Pests In Your Home

Stinging pests can often be a nuisance to those who don’t understand how they behave. They rightfully earned their name because they can inflict a painful sting. Victims can land in emergency rooms when stung by specific stinging pests.

There are several types of these pests. And they are typically found inside and outside of Singapore homes. In this article, learn how to get rid of stinging pests from your home ASAP!


Types of Stinging Pests

The dreaded pests come in various shapes and sizes. They may have the stinger in common but they vary in colors, body types, and legs. The most common stinging pests are bees, wasps, hornets, scorpions, and yellow jackets. Their stings can hurt and cause allergic reactions but in some cases, they can cause death to the victim. This is why their removal should be left to experts in NEA pest control in Singapore.


1. Bees

This insect has more than 20,000 species recorded in existence worldwide. They can be brown or black with yellow, red, or blue stripes. They find their way into your home when they seek a nesting place. Bee infestation can occur in living spaces that are exposed to the outside environment.

Bees are important for the environment in many ways. But they can be dangerous if found near your home. They sting to defend themselves when they feel threatened which could cause an allergic reaction to some people. Also, the honey in their hives can damage structures and attract other insects if not removed.

2. Wasps

Wasps are drawn to plants and other food sources such as spilled soda, food crumbs, and uncovered trash cans. They also eat other insects including spiders. You can usually find them nesting in the gutters, soffits, and eaves of your home. Like bees, wasps sting to protect themselves. These can be painful but wasp venom is not as lethal as other stinging pests.

3. Hornets

These stinging insects commonly nest in tree branches. But they can build their nests underneath eaves too. They are drawn to food scraps in outdoor dining areas which is why you can see them in your home.

Hornets can be dangerous when they feel a threat. They not only deliver painful stings, but they can also squirt the eyes of their victims with venom, causing temporary blindness in the process. Their venom can trigger serious reactions in some people. There will be redness, intense pain, and swelling in the stung area.

4. Scorpions

Scorpion stings are generally not deadly but still venomous. Their sting can cause pain, numbness, and swelling in the sting area. The extreme reaction can lead to breathing trouble and vomiting.

This type of stinging pest can enter your home through gaps and cracks under doors, foundations, and plumbing pipes. They can also hitchhike in firewood, potted plants, and boxes when you carry them from outside your home.

5. Yellow Jackets

Usually mistaken for bees, yellow jackets are known pollinators. This makes them beneficial because they eat other pests. They can find their way into your home if they smell fish, meat, and sugary substances.

They build their nests in walls and attics and can chew on drywall. Compared to honey bees, these stinging pests can strike you repeatedly with their lance-like stingers. Some individuals can experience severe allergic reactions from their stings.

Read also: 5 Household Pests in Singapore That Bite


Stinging Insect Removal

When it comes to removing these dreaded pests, a professional in stinging pests treatment can safely do it for you. If you try pest removal yourself, you can likely aggravate their colony, causing them to attack. A Greencare pest control specialist is well-trained to handle them and get rid of stinging pests in your home. Contact us at +65 6970 0205 today!

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