January 30, 2022
5 Ways To Get Rid Of Drain Flies In Singapore Homes

Drain flies in Singapore are small, winged insects that inhabit the water in drains and sewers. They feed on decaying organic matter and carcasses left behind by other animals. Hence, the reason they’re often called “scavengers.” They also eat decomposing plant material.

The common name “drain fly” is applied to various species of tiny flies from the Psychodidae family of insects, the most common being Clogmia albipunctata. This type of fly is attracted to lights, which is why they often fly into homes late at night or early in the morning. They breed rapidly and can create a swarm that can quickly infest an entire home.


Should you be concerned with drain flies in your Singapore home?

Drain flies in general create no real damage. In high numbers, they can be certainly a nuisance but not dangerous.

The common drain fly (Clogmia albipunctata) does not carry pathogenic organisms that are harmful to humans. However, the larvae may have caused myiasis, which is a parasitic disease that occurs when the larvae enter the body through open wounds. It is also not uncommon for harmful bacteria to be transferred by drain flies, though the risk of this is low.

For some people with asthma, heavy infestations of these flies can exacerbate asthma symptoms. This is due to the dried parts of drain flies that have mixed with the air. To avoid the discomfort these annoying pests could cause people, fly control can help.

Read also: 7 Ways To Keep Flies Away From Your Food


How to get rid of drain flies?

Once you have identified the breeding ground of the flies, they can be exterminated by cleaning or removing the source. However, it will take persistent, ongoing work to get rid of a drain fly problem completely.

1. Clean garbage and recycling containers

Remove all organic material from the floors and walls that adjoin garbage and recycling containers. Then clean the containers themselves, using hot, soapy water. Thoroughly dry your plastic garbage cans and bins first, so they will not attract drain flies.

2. Clear out and fix drains

Clean the water drains and sinks in and around your home. Take the time to meticulously scrub the drains and sinks with a stiff cleaning brush. Rinse with boiling water.

After scrubbing, mix a solution made of baking soda and vinegar to sterilize your drains. Mix 1/2 cup salt and 1/2 cup baking soda and pour the mixture down the drain. Pour 1 cup of liquid white vinegar into the drain to make a foaming action with the baking soda.

Let it stand overnight. In the morning, pour very hot water down the drain to rinse it and any remaining fly larva away.

If you notice any drippy pipes, fix them before it causes water to accumulate on the floor of cabinets or near the wall. Stagnant water on the floor can draw thirsty flies in.

3. Scrub floor drains

Floor drains often accumulate stagnant water in their traps. The water and sludge amassed there are ideal locations for drain flies to lay eggs. Scrub floor drains with a stiff brush with hot water and then rinse them with a baking soda and vinegar mixture. This will help deter drain flies.

4. Inspect for outdoor fly sources

Look for stagnant water, such as in dirty birdbaths, rain barrels, and dog kennels. Wash them out thoroughly and dry them up to prevent drain flies from developing outdoors.

5. Remove standing water

Remove any standing water or wet spots. These can be the water in a shower drain, standing water in a pan underneath a refrigerator, or wet soil around houseplants. Any place where wetness or water is allowed to accumulate is an optimal place for drain flies; it’s especially so if there’s organic matter.


How to keep drain flies away from your home?

An efficient way to live without drain flies is to keep your whole house clean and dry. Pay particular attention to dark areas where rotting organic matter might be accumulating.

Read also: How To Use Fly Traps To Get Rid Of Flies


Professional fly control in Singapore

Flies in Singapore, regardless of their types, can be a bothersome presence on your property. If the above-mentioned measures are not enough to get rid of drain flies, consult with a specialist in NEA pest control immediately. They will be able to help you develop a management strategy for your concern.

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