Learn more about pests and pest control in Singapore
Ants are one of the most common pests that people have to deal with in their homes and commercial properties. There are many different ways in which they can get into your property and cause damage to the structure of your home or the products inside. While these…
What are silverfish? Silverfish are creepy-looking insects that like to make their homes in dark corners of your home. They are often mistaken for roaches because of their size and color, but silverfish have a few defining features that set them apart from other…
What are booklice and where do they come from? Booklice are tiny insects that live in books and are often found in the most unexpected of places – from residential homes to offices, and even to museums! They are also called psocids, barklice, and paperlice. Booklice…
Want to get rid of those pesky flies yourself? Better check our first these 5 myths about fly control in Singapore!
Rodent control in your Singapore home does not only keep your family safe, it makes your pets healthy too. Some people own cats and dogs to drive rodents away from their home. Yet, letting them catch rats and mice can put their health at risk of acquiring various…
After engaging pest control for your home, what happens next? To make sure the pest control service is successful, there are some essential steps you need to take. Let’s have a look at what these things are and why they are important post treatment. Enter your home at…
Lots of do-it-yourself options on rodent control in your home or business can be found on the internet. They teach you how to deal with rodents on your own without hiring a pest control service in Singapore. But are they enough to eliminate rat infestation…
When it comes to bed bug control, the internet has plenty of DIY remedies to offer. Unfortunately, they cannot get rid of the infestation completely and keep them away for good. Bed bugs are difficult to exterminate not just in Singapore but all over the world. It’s…
Bed bugs are a nasty and annoying household pest that are hard to get rid of in Singapore. They are not easy to find and their bites can cause health risks for anyone. Bed bugs are difficult to eliminate. To get rid of them effectively, you need to hire specialists in…