May 21, 2021
Top 12 Most Dangerous Pests in Singapore

If you think household pests are just annoying presence that doesn’t need to be dealt with seriously then, think again. Some pests are really dangerous. And they can wreak havoc not just on your structure but your life as well.

When infestation manifests, an insecticide spray or a mousetrap may not be enough to control their growth in your home. What you need are professionals to take care of the problem in the best way possible.  By hiring a pest control service in Singapore, you can save yourself the costly damages that these pests will give you.

So, what are the most dangerous pests to be wary of? Check out the top 12 below!

  1. Mosquitoes: These germ-carrying pests can bite family members and pets, transmitting potentially fatal diseases in the process.
  2. Rodents: They breed quickly and if left uncontrolled can lead to a major infestation.
  3. Ants: A colony can invade your home if you ignore a single ant or two.
  4. Cockroaches: Notorious for spreading germs and multiplying at extreme speed that only a cockroach pest control in Singapore can terminate them for good.
  5. Flies: Flies carry over 100 pathogens that can contaminate food and cause dangerous diseases like polio and typhoid when ingested.
  6. Bed Bugs: These pests are easily transported and can hide undetected for a long time in fabrics, mattress covers, and small crevices.
  7. Termites: Termites can damage more homes than fire each year.
  8. Spiders: Some spiders have dangerous bites and their webs are annoyingly found all over the house.
  9. Silverfish: They eat through papers and any items that have high starch content.
  10. Ticks: Tick bites may cause serious illnesses like typhus and Lyme disease.
  11. Fleas: These bloodsuckers can jump from your pets to you and feed on your blood.
  12. Moths: Moths can lay eggs on fur and wool fabric and their larvae can eat through your valuable clothing and accessories.



Free your home from the top 12 most dangerous pests in Singapore. Don’t let them escape and eliminate them once and for all. At the first sign of infestation, contact a Greencare specialist immediately to take care of your pest problem professionally.

P.S. If you consider coronaviruses as pests, then they firmly belong in the top 12 list! See our disinfection service in Singapore on ways we protect you from COVID-19.

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