August 2, 2021
5 Myths About Termites That You Need To Know

Termites are a pest that many homeowners fear. However, most of the myths around these critters exist for no good reason. Termites use wood to survive and reproduce, so it’s only natural that they’ll occasionally invade your home in search of sustenance. But most termite infestations are found before they spread far enough to cause serious damage.

Related: Top 12 Most Dangerous Pests in Singapore

If you dealt with termite infestations before, you know how hard it is to eradicate them without professional pest control services. But what other things you don’t know? Here are 5 myths about termites and termite control in Singapore.


Myth 1: Termites transmit disease.

Fact: Termites don’t carry germs that can harm both people and pets. They can trigger asthma attacks in people with allergies, yes. But the real problem with termites is the damage they can cause to your home.


Myth 2: Termite infestation is easy to spot.

Fact: Termites are silent destroyers of structures. They can eat through the wood in your home in hidden places without your knowledge. Termites are a common problem in Singapore and can cause a great deal of damage to your home.

You’ll likely see the warning signs when significant damage has been done. The reason is that the termites will be traveling through the soil and the wood to get to your home. An average homeowner will not detect termites until they’ve been inside your structures for a while.


Myth 3: Termite treatment keeps them away forever.

Fact: Sadly, this is not true. Although termite prevention and control can remarkably lessen the risk of termites coming back, they can still return. If you are a homeowner, you must know what to do if termites do return. The only way to make sure they stay away from your home is to have a regular inspection and treatment of your property.


Myth 4: DIY termite control solutions work just fine.

Fact: One of the myths about termites that should be debunked. The truth is, both commercial and DIY termite control solutions will only work temporarily.

There are several reasons for this. First, termites can re-infest from neighboring colonies. Second, the chemicals used in termite control products are not selective and kill other insects. Worse, some of them can harm people and pets if not administered properly.


Myth 5: Termites can eat away concrete.

Fact: Termites at home don’t eat concrete because it is of no use to them. Concrete is not nutritious and they can’t use it to build their nests either. If you happen to see termites that look like they’re chewing through concrete, they are just chipping it away to get to the wood underneath.



Your home is one of the biggest investments you’ll ever do in your life. Don’t let it be destroyed by termites. Knowing the truth about termites and termite treatment will help you make better decisions when it comes to your home. Now that we have taken termite superstitions out of the way, it’s time to safeguard your investment.  Schedule a regular pest control and disinfection service from a Singapore expert today!

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